BOND Fall 2023 calendar

10.04.23 | by Stephen Haverstick


Sun. 10: Fall Kick Off! 5-7pm

  • Meet in Room 203 of the Church - 64 W. Chocolate Ave, Hershey

Sun. 17: BOND 5-7pm

Sun. 24: BOND 5-7pm


Sun. 1: Poverty Simulation 4-7pm

Sun. 15: BOND 5-7pm

Wed. 18: *Trunk or Treat 4:30-7pm

Sun. 22: BOND 5-7pm

Sun. 29: BOND 5-7pm


Sun. 5: BOND 5-7pm

Sun. 12: *Cocoa Packs 5-7pm

Sun. 19: BOND 5-7pm


Sun. 3: BOND 5-7pm

Sun. 10: BOND 5-7pm

Sun. 17: Christmas Party 5-7pm

Sunday evening BOND gatherings or events conclude with a meal @ 6:30pm in the Social Hall. Signup here to help provide those meals!

BONDBuilding On New Disciples. As a bridge from children’s ministry to youth ministry, BOND is a program just for 5th and 6th graders to make the physical and spiritual transition from childhood to adolescence. BOND has an emphasis on deepening friendships with peers, connecting with adult leaders, serving together in the community, and growing a relationship with God. During a “normal” BOND gathering on Sunday evening, students and leaders will meet in the BOND room (203) of the church for a lesson with games, activities, discussion, and a short video. BOND then joins Discovery Club (K-4th) and Youth Group (7th-12th grade) for a meal together @ 6:30pm in the Social Hall to finish the night!

Cocoa Packs – Cocoa Packs is a non-profit with a weekly program providing food assistance and other services to families in the Hershey/Hummelstown area. On this night, we’ll travel a few minutes down the road to the Cocoa Packs warehouse where we’ll be stuffing packs for the weekly distribution. We’ll be back for dinner around 6:30pm in the Social Hall.

Trunk or Treat – An annual community event in the Church parking lot on the night of the Hershey Halloween Parade! Decorate the trunk of a car with a fun theme and then hand out candy to kids gathering for the Parade. BOND will be planning a trunk of their own on 9/24, but if you’re going to have one as a family, we will certainly encourage the student to be a part of their family’s trunk on the event night! There’ll be a prize for the top 3 trunks! There are also opportunities to serve hot chocolate or help with kid’s activities. Signup here for a trunk or volunteering.

*See reverse side for details on these specific events

Sunday worship services @ FUMC Hershey: 8am Traditional; 10am Blended

Contact Stephen Haverstick @

Contact Cassie McCachren @